Self conscious of what self

When you experience feelings of self consciousness in a social situation, of which self are you conscious? The answer will become evident as we review a theme that runs through both our newsletters and website.

Anything that can be observed implies there be both an observer and that which is observed. You can observe your body and mind, so someone or something other than your body and mind must exist in order to do the observing. You may name this something the observer, witness or inner self. During meditation, when centered and still, one has direct contact with this inner self. Everything will naturally unfold from this center.

The more we are in touch with our inner self, the greater our self actualization. As we stray from our creative source, we begin to assume expected social roles and affectations. These roles are constructed to allow us to operate smoothly in different social situations.

Smoothly in a sense of not raising suspicion, creating conflict or being seen as somehow different or strange. We will indeed “fit in” but at what cost? The continual denial of our true self makes inner peace difficult. An infinite source of creativity, inspiration and the universal intelligence is willfully exchanged for a fickled acceptance. We now begin presenting ourselves to the world as something other than who we truly are.

This is further complicated when the roles we have practiced and perfected invariably cease to work. Changes in social norms and acceptable behavior may leave us unsure of which ever evolving role we should choose to play. We may become “socially” self-conscious. “Am I supposed to say this or that?” “How should I feel about this or that?” “What do they think of me?” “What will they say?”

So we begin seeking more and more feedback to make adjustments and our inner self is further alienated. What are we concerned about? A social self that isn’t even us to begin with? Desperate reaching outward to seek direction from without, rather than from within.

Any material gains made through this practice will be at the expense of your true self. Just what self are you satisfying? Return to your inner source. Let meditation be your tool. Practice the technique found at here. You will discover there is nothing to give up.

Make your meditation effortless and these social roles that hold you captive will surrender themselves. Return to where YOU began and harness the immense strength therein.

Watch as moments of insecurity and doubt gradually disappear when you begin to rely on your inner prompting. There is no one to become; you already are. Be that. There is nowhere to go; you are there already.

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