The true self is always here and now yet out of this world. Each morning when you awake, you ever so quickly attach an identity to this self. Before you body regains full awareness you have returned to that familiar identity constructed over time.
The source of the true self is beyond mind. Your thoughts create memories, thus a sense of identity in time and space. Remove the thoughts, memories and anticipations and you suddenly stand beyond time. When you alertly pay attention to the mind, you are then able to free yourself of its hold. What remains when free of the mind is the supreme reality.
Meditation serves to detach the true self from the mind. When you are able to move beyond your memories you are no longer a slave to your history. Clearly see that everything that happens, is happening to you. You are changeless while all that happens to you is temporal.
At the moment you arrived into the material world, there was a discovery of this world. So whatever self made that discovery is literally “out of this world”. That “out of this world” self has never left and is accessible here and now. Be it!