The following websites have expressed an interest in being link partners with Optimum Self. If they ring true to you; accept all they offer.

Spiritual Growth Shirley Knapp – Spiritual Teacher, Energy Healer, Author. Spiritual healing through books, tapes, classes, consultations, energy work.

Kundalini Yoga Discover the amazing power of Kundalini Yoga. Free OnlineCourse, specially written by Gururattan K. Khalsa Ph.D.

Innerworks : Counseling and Publishing For over 25 years, empowering people through counseling, teaching, and personal coaching. Self-help books to inspire inner worth, build good relationships, and discover spiritual meaning and purpose.

Association of Happiness for All Mankind Meditation retreat and spiritual training center for self-inquiry and enlightenment.

Mercy Family Center Mercy Family Center is an outpatient behavioral health clinic with locations in the Greater New Orleans area and on the North Shore. Founded in 1992, Mercy Family Center serves children and families from all parts of Louisiana and Southern Mississippi.

Spirit Network

Hand Actuated Mental Reconditioning The famed HAMR self help site. Full instructions on how to rewire your own brain.

Energetic Arts

Ask Alana Helping you learn to trust your heart.

Manchester School of Massage Training in holistic and alternative therapies since 1989. Also available… Massage Treatments, Holistic Therapy Treatments, Massage Couches and Gift Vouchers. The Meditation Tip Of The Day.

World Wide Online Meditation Center