Spirituality Archive
Get it now… Katha Upanishad (circa 1400 BC) “To many it is not given to hear of the Self. Many, though they hear it, do not understand it. Wonderful is he who speaks of it. Intelligent is he who learns …
With intent one steps forward. With awareness one modifies their step so as to avoid a pothole. This leads one in a slightly different direction. The intent may still be similar, though now the environment has changed. And so it …
Sweet Devotio…oh to what though? Latin derivative devotio: (Christian) piety, devotion, zeal. What are you devoted to? You’re not devoted to anything you say? Check again. You’re living it out right now. What do you have a zeal for? Where …
What now? You may be faced with a crisis of some sort. Perhaps a major lifestyle change or personal loss. There will be a tendency to question why this is occurring at this time and place. There are seldom suitable …
Nonduality. Words fall short of the mark but are necessary to point you in the right direction. Start with duality. God and man. Separation. Division. Opposites. Your mind likes it that way. It needs to separate, define and distinguish. Your …
A reader recently described an experience she had involving an overwhelming feeling of love and empathy she felt for a stranger. She had experienced this feeling before with others. An indescribable connection with another for no apparent reason. It is …
If you need something; ask for it. If you desire something; seek it. If your intent is pure; you will receive it, though maybe not in the way you planned. If you are able to give it away as readily …
there is this day it’s the only one to speak of choose your thoughts wisely today there is no other so suited for the task there is this day solidify who you believe yourself to be take the pain take …
Judging uses a tremendous amount of our energy and inner resources. Being non-judgmental uses much less, nonetheless there is still energy drained when we trigger that mechanism to stop our likely overwhelming social conditioning to judge. Another option is to …
When you are truly inspired (in-spirit) you are unable to trace the source because it is beyond definitions and boundaries. Whereas when your motivation is from the ego, it is most certainly traceable. The genuine inner prompts will not be …