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When you are able to disengage from unhealthy attachments to certain people, places and things in your life, what remains is your essence or higher self. This detachment will allow your motivation to come from within and be genuine, rather …
The true self is always here and now yet out of this world. Each morning when you awake, you ever so quickly attach an identity to this self. Before you body regains full awareness you have returned to that familiar …
pass the salt of the earth through yourself and others bask in and preserve what is true cross the impasse in yourself disown and leave aridness to it’s own fate locate the water in your desert find the divine through …
( per-sona, “a mask” or “through-sound”) When listening to another,be aware of the sound beyond the words. Is the sound confident or trembling, edgy or smooth? Even with a whisper, do the words belie the sound? True communication is wordless. Listen for it.
When you truly know something, there is no need for belief. You know that your heart is beating; there is no need to believe that your heart is beating. You know when you are breathing. There is no need to …
You have a clear cut choice. Awaken to the total sense of who you are, or remain in slumber. Be an individual or a dividual. Divided into your social self, your work self, your family self, your friend self, your …
If you choose (and it is a choice) to remain convinced that you are what your mind tells you that you are, then try to realize just how tenuous your self-image really is. Lose or find a job, lose or …
A little “but”‘. Don’t blink or you’ll miss it. but \But\ 1. A limit; a boundary. Now let’s simply look at the word ‘but’. I am ready. Staying with a thought or feeling the expression is straightforward, direct and true. True …
Clarity…not yet available in pill form Definition: Clarity from the Latin claritat-, claritas, from clarus, the quality or state of being clear. Need a little clarity? Sorry, but it’s not for sale. Unless you find yourself strolling the streets of …
Until then Sleep when you’re dead; until then keep learning this ain’t a Friends episode and it won’t be painless. Pain tells us something’s amuck, that there’s something to learn, to make you stronger so that you may weather what …