Remove habitual thoughts

What to do about that “thing”?

Okay, so you’ve been becoming more aware. You are attempting to remember to practice present moment awareness. Yet you still have this blip in your consciousness. A repetitive idea or image of something you must do or correct or stop avoiding.

This “thing” passes but continues to return intermittently throughout your day and often makes a veiled appearance in your dreams. What is this “thing”? Have you avoided investigating it? Is it some unfinished business? A resentment? A strong desire that you are suppressing? Something you need to make amends for? Someone you need to forgive? Is it a vague feeling, or do you know exactly what it is? Do you realize this “thing” is probably keeping you from moving forward?

Try using this technique to isolate and examine exactly what you are dealing with here. Sit quietly on a straight back chair, arms by your side or folded comfortably in your lap. Close your eyes and become aware of either hand, preferably your dominant one. Simply become aware of it. Feel your hand getting warmer and tingling as you place your attention on it.

Extend this keen awareness to each individual finger as you cycle from forefinger, middle and so on. Feel the blood flow within each individual finger. Each time a random thought enters your mind, become aware that it is happening and gently bring your awareness back to your hand. Our intent here is to absolutely ground ourselves in the present moment.

Now while still being aware of your hand, see if you can visualize this particular “thing” in your mind’s eye. Watch it play itself out as if you are watching images on a movie screen. Use the awareness of the hand to stay in the present moment so that you do not get caught up with what is appearing on the screen in your mind.

Remain detached from what you may observe regardless of how unpleasant it may be. That attachment empowers this “thing” and keeps it alive. This is similar to the experience of being completely absorbed by an especially frightening or suspenseful film, only to detach and become aware that you are actually sitting in a movie theater watching rays of light projected through film onto a blank screen. Seeing the images on the screen for what they are, removes one from your emotional involvement.

In the same way, you are attempting to quietly observe this “thing” appearing on the screen in your mind, all the while remaining detached. Now we will be able to clearly determine: a) What exactly is this “thing”? b) Can any actions be taken to resolve it? c) If so, why/what are we avoiding? and d) If there can be no resolution, then why are we not letting go? Using the technique in order to isolate this “thing” in a quiet environment, we can now begin an objective examination and clarify our intent in the matter.

Be particularly aware of the emotion(s) that may accompany this visualization. Again remember to be aware that if you find yourself carried away by this/these emotion(s), gently draw your attention back to your hand which allows you to see the emotion inducing image for what it is; like that image on the movie theater screen. Avoidance has allowed it to resurface time and time again during both your waking and dreaming hours. This technique will afford you the opportunity for a swift resolution.

As your body uses physical pain to force you to attend to a particular need, so does your inner self cause your awareness to be interrupted by this psychic discomfort which also requires your attention. Continued avoidance only causes it to communicate louder.

Start paying attention and a positive by-product of this technique will be an increased awareness which will assist you in keeping new “things” from developing and becoming habitual blocks. The resulting clarity will amaze you.

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